There are only a few days left before Christmas arrives, some dates of celebrations and endearing family gatherings, children returning home, entire families that only get together on these dates, new members of the family to welcome and to witness the constant change of children.

It is true that they are not happy dates for many other people, since they are very marked days where the absence of those who have already left seems more evident and put family relationships to the test when we have to spend more time together than we are used to.

If we accept that the perfect family does not exist and that the most beautiful thing is precisely its imperfect existence, we can begin to enjoy the company and delight ourselves with a beautiful table decorated for Christmas.

When we sit down to eat, an act that is linked to the history of humanity, we carry out a biological ritual that begins with the sense of sight to continue with smell in coordination with taste. The famous saying “Food enters through the eyes” is scientifically proven, since the brain creates affective bonds with a good presentation both in food and at the table.

In this way, a beautiful table will activate regions linked to pleasure and will make Christmas dinner a fabulous sensory experience and a beautiful memory. A few days before starting with the decoration, you have to organize yourself.

The first thing we must do is take out everything we have on the table, tablecloths, dishes, cutlery, crockery, etc., check its condition and make a count, absolutely everything can help us to unleash our imagination. Make sure the pieces you have are enough, match and are in good condition.

Photo Avec Les Compliments

Choose the colors of the decoration

Defining the colors that the table will have it depends on the taste of each one and its location, if the table is next to the living room in an open space we will have to choose tones that are in accordance with the rest of the decoration and decorate the table as an extension of it with a more festive touch. If, on the opposite, it is in the dining room or in the kitchen, we can be more daring since it compromises a smaller area of ​​the house and use more eclectic colors or more striking Christmas decoration.

Photo Rex Visum Vitae

The style

The table style will be strongly influenced by our personality will, it can be classic, modern, creative, Nordic, rustic, minimalist, vintage or Christmas-themed. Whatever our style, we can always innovate in our registry it brings us something more. Give it your personal touch.

The choice of tablecloth

The tablecloth is one of the main characters in these celebrations and it will give us a lot of scope in our décor due to the infinite variety of shades and mixtures that we can create. It will be a key piece to create the style you want to give to your table.

We can dress the table in plain, patterned or mixing both patterns, place the tablecloth at half height or for a more formal result use a long tablecloth with a short one beyond of another color or an exotic and fun fabric, the variants are endless. Another solution is to put table runners and table placemats on top of the tablecloth that provide another shade and texture.

If you are fan of Christmas tables, you can always play with green and red, which are the classic colors of these dates and do not forget to add golden tones that will give your table a lot of shine. However, our dining table can also go without tableclothe, if the table is made of good wood it will give an informal, rustic and country air to the decoration.

Photo Telva

Photo Isabella Bo

Take your most precious crockery out of the closet

Use your best crockery, an old family crockery or one that you do not use daily, if you do not have a complete crockery you can always mix pieces that match but be careful, use your sense of aesthetics and a lot of creativity so that they are part of the same decoration .

Do not forget to decorate the table with a centerpiece

Christmas centerpieces are essential on these dates, they are the most important element of the table, the first thing we see and what we can fill with fantasy.

You must take into account the dimensions of the table to achieve an adequate proportion and the height of the center so as not to hinder the communication of the guests. As for aesthetics, the variety is infinite and is subject to each one’s creativity, but there are basics that never fail such as candles, pine garlands, centerpiece of green branches with red berries and pineapples.

Flowers, fruit, berries and candlesticks are some of the elements that you can use to create your own centerpieces.

Photo Bea Satrústegui

Photo Verandamag

Photo Verandamag

Photo Telva

Photo Bea Satrústegui

And above all do not forget to take care of the details. The sum of the details of the table are what will make us enjoy a beautiful and careful Christmas table.